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‘From tiny acorns, mighty oak trees grow’

‘Outstanding in all areas’ Ofsted 2020

“Partnership working with parents is exceptionally well promoted. Staff implement superb strategies to encourage parental involvement including supporting children’s learning, both at pre-school and at home” Ofsted 2016

Our setting recognises parents as the first and most important educators of their children. All of the staff see themselves as partners with parents in providing care and education for their child. There are many ways in which parents take part in making the setting a welcoming and stimulating place for children and parents, such as:

  • exchanging knowledge about their children’s needs, activities, interests and progress with the staff;
  • helping at sessions of the setting;
  • sharing their own special interests with the children;
  • helping to provide, make and look after the equipment and materials used in the
    children’s play activities;
  • being part of the management of the setting;
  • taking part in events and informal discussions about the activities and curriculum
    provided by the setting;
  • joining in community activities in which the setting takes part; and
  • building friendships with other parents in the setting.

Parents are encouraged to help out as and when they wish. Helping at the session enables parents to see what the day-to-day life of the setting is like and to join in helping the children to get the best out of their activities.

Joining in

Parents can offer to take part in a session by sharing their own interests and skills with the children. Parents have visited the setting to play the clarinet for the children, show pictures of the local carnival held in their neighbourhood, and show the children their collection of shells. We welcome parents to drop into the setting to see it at work or to speak with the staff.

We welcome parents to drop into the setting to see it at work or to speak with the staff.

Learning opportunities for adults

As well as gaining qualifications in early years care and education, the setting staff take part in further training to help them to keep up-to-date with thinking about early years care and education. The setting also keeps itself up-to-date with best practice in early years care and education, as a member of the Early Years Alliance, through the Under 5 magazine and publications produced by the Alliance.
From time to time the setting holds learning events for parents. These usually look at how adults can help children to learn and develop in their early years.

Broughton Pre School were one of the first four settings in Lancashire to achieve the Lancashire Quality Award. This demonstrates our exceptionally high standard of provision, care and education.

We were pleased to be awarded the Learning Excellence Good Practice Award in January 2014 for our study ‘How the role of the practitioner can raise the level of achievement for boys’ in the early years’. The Learning Excellence Award is about sharing good practice between educational establishments.


We were Ofsted inspected in February 2020 and at the inspection we received an OUTSTANDING in all areas.

Click here for further details of our Ofsted report log