Opening Hours – 7.45am – 5.30pm
Telephone – 01772 860834
Email –
‘From tiny acorns, mighty oak trees grow’
‘Outstanding in all areas’ Ofsted 2020
Each child will have their own learning journal where their learning is documented and achievements are celebrated.
Our pre-school opens from 7:45am, where we run a breakfast club until 9:00am. When the children arrive, we encourage self registration which involves you helping them to find their name and displaying it on the registration board.
Each child has their own named coat peg and drawer where they keep all their creations. The drawers will also have a picture of the child to help them to recognise their area.
Until 9:30am, we have free choice of activities and then at 9:30am we have ‘chat time’ in key groups where we can discuss what activities we would like to do for the day. We also share any news with the children and vice versa.
Because of our outstanding setting (Ofsted commended our outdoor play area), we encourage outdoor activities in most weathers and so we do request that appropriate clothing is brought along (hats/scarves/waterproof clothing in winter; sunhats/sun cream in summer). Our activities are devised after careful observations of the children and their interests and development are also taken into consideration
The kind and nurturing staff promote children’s physical and emotional well-being superbly. They establish close and respectful attachments, which promotes children’s confidence and self-esteem. Children show immense kindness, respect and consideration and learn about the feelings and views of their peers. Ofsted 2016
The children can choose which activities they join and the activities are normally repeated over the week to ensure everyone gets a chance to join in, if they wish.
We provide a rolling snack during the morning and afternoon session where a healthy snack is offered to the children, which the children normally help to prepare. At 11:20, the children are brought back in together for music and a story. Our lunchtime period begins at 11:30am for 1 hour and the our routine is repeated in the afternoon with more variety of activities to maintain the children’s interests.
Outings are arranged for the children to compliment our themes/projects. These outings enhance and reinforce in a practical way what your child is learning through the pre-school. First aid equipment is always taken as are mobile phones in case of any emergency.
Food and drink
Snack/Lunch time
At snack and meal times we aim to provide nutritious foods which meet the children’s individual dietary needs. We aim to meet the full requirements as stated by Ofsted in the Care Standards for Food and Drink Standard 8. Throughout the morning and afternoon session a healthy snack is offered including fruit, bread, crumpets and crackers and there is a choice of Milk or Water to drink. Children also have free access to water throughout the day.
Lunch time
Children bring a packed lunch, containing a selection of suitable foods for your child aiming to provide a balance and varied diet. It is our policy to encourage children to eat savoury foods before they begin their fruit, yoghurt etc.
We are happy to give your children the food that you provide but do ask that you support our healthy eating policy and refrain from adding fizzy drinks, too many crisps/chocolates/sweets etc. If you wish to include any items that require refrigeration please give these labelled items to a member of staff who will place these in our fridge until lunch time. We also have facilities to warm up foods if your child would prefer. E.g. baked beans, toast.
Broughton Pre School were one of the first four settings in Lancashire to achieve the Lancashire Quality Award. This demonstrates our exceptionally high standard of provision, care and education.
We were pleased to be awarded the Learning Excellence Good Practice Award in January 2014 for our study ‘How the role of the practitioner can raise the level of achievement for boys’ in the early years’. The Learning Excellence Award is about sharing good practice between educational establishments.
We were Ofsted inspected in February 2020 and at the inspection we received an OUTSTANDING in all areas.
Click here for further details of our Ofsted report log